On a Saturday is my personal online scrapbook and diary - but, you know, for real, not just in theory.
I named my blog On a Saturday because of how universal Saturdays are - to different people, they mean very different things, yet absolutely everyone has something to associate with Saturdays.
I like both numbers and words, so I decided to combine the two here. In other words, I write about science, style, books, beauty (among other things)... and I publish all kinds of photos on here. I think of On a Saturday as every raw idea that comes from me, and that's what makes it unique.
Welcome to On a Saturday; I hope you love it!
I have now also opened a Google+ page (in use) and a YouTube channel that I probably won't use for a long while. For inquiries, check the contact page or email onasatrday@gmail.com.
IF YOU FOLLOW ME VIA BLOGLOVIN' OR GFC (both available at bottom of page) I WILL FOLLOW YOU BACK!